Saturday, July 9, 2011

DIY Chanel Cut Out Gloves

Nothing to do with France or Finland, but one little DIY project to get started here :)

I found this DIY on SEMI Jewels blog and just loved it. It looked very possible to do, so here I try!
I followed the tutorial here.

I did not take too many pictures of the process as SEMI Jewels explains that very well already. But here is one picture of the glove other way around with the drawing I plan to cut. It doesn't look that great as it is, but the edges are glued and turned back and the drawings are done. Only the cutting part is left!

And finally, I finished my pair of gloves. You want to watch out when you glue the edges because it can become thick and actually be quite tight when you try them on. I would maybe advise to buy the pair of gloves a size bigger before starting your DIY. But I LOVE those gloves, and I am sure I won't see them everywhere!

Fr: J'ai vu ce tutorial de gants Chanel coupes sur le blog SEMI Jewels et j'ai tout de suite eu envie d'essayer, d'autant que ca avait l'air dans mes cordes! Et effectivement, ca n'etait pas si difficile que ca puisque le resultat est plutot pas mal! Faites juste attention a ne pas prendre des gants trop petits parce qu'une fois que vous aurez retourne le bout des gants coupes et que vous voudrez les coller, ils vont devenir plus etroits! Je conseille donc de commencer ce petit projet sur une taille de gant superieure! Qu'est ce que vous pensez du resultat?


  1. lovely, following, plz follow back

  2. Hei Queila, thanks a lot! I'm happy you liked that DIY. There's plenty coming. I'm in DIY phase :) I'll post one today. And I'll definitely take a look at your blog! Talk to you soon. Greetings from Finland!

  3. Hi! I already saw this when you told me and I really appreciated it :D
